Αριστείδου 1 & Ευριπίδου 2, 10559 Αθήνα

HAHE carries out an internal evaluation of its operations, in accordance with the provisions of its Operational Manual, and assigns its external evaluation to valid and internationally recognized evaluators, organizations, and/or evaluation bodies, which are members of European Registers of Quality Assurance that meet European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance. The internal and external evaluation reports, as well as the accreditation reports are taken into consideration in the preparation of the four-year planning and the corresponding program agreements of the Authority. 

All self-assessment/follow up/external evaluation reports of Authority are available below:

pdfCertificate of HAHE’s ENQA membership

pdfReconfirmation of HAHE membership in ENQA 2023 

pdfApproval of HAHE’s application for inclusion on the EQAR

pdfHAHE external Evaluation Report 2022

pdfSelf-Assessment Report 2021

pdf Follow up report 2017

pdfHQA External Evaluation Report (2015)

pdfHQA Self-Evaluation Report (2014)

The Quality Manual is an official document of the IQAS and is used as a guide for its implementation.

pdfQuality Manual

HAHE is certified according to ISO 9001: pdfHAHE ISO 9001 certificate