The ENQA Board decided to reconfirm HAHE’s membership in ENQA for a period of five years, starting from 19-04-2023. The Board concluded that HAHE complies with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015), following the approval of HAHE's application for inclusion on the EQAR, and therefore fulfils the criteria for membership according to Article 6, par. 1 of ENQA's Rules of Procedure.

The ENQA Board welcomed HAHE’s effort and the progress made since the completion of the review process and encourages the Authority to continue its work with the same commitment and due diligence, taking into account the recommendations of the external review report. The President of ENQA, Mr Douglas Blackstock, congratulated, in his letter, the President and the Authority on the final outcome.

HAHE will submit a follow-up report by September 2024 in accordance with the procedure required for all ENQA members.

The 2022 External Evaluation Report (here)